Sunday, August 30, 2009



Our last trip to Carowinds for summer 09.

Construction: Week 9

Things are really beginning to come together over at the lot. Week 9 consisted of framing, framing and more framing. The house is expected to be "dried in" by this coming Wednesday, meaning that all framing will be complete with tar paper down on the roof and all exterior doors and windows in place.

We enjoy going over every evening to take a peak at the day's progress. Crosby still loves going to the lot and talks about the new house frequently. He is so excited to be able to run to his big boy room now. He's having a blast playing with all the toys that come with the know, wood scraps, tape measures, chalk-rope snapper things, nails and dirt! He's started picking up the nails and leaves little piles scattered around. Of course, a nail isn't first among things that I'd prefer my 2 year old play with but at least it's making him aware that they're all over the place. So far, no accidents. :-)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

He's a big boy!

August has been a big month for him thus far. He gave up the bedtime pacifier earlier this month and is now using the big boy potty. We definitely haven't mastered the potty yet but he's doing great for the first week without diapers. He doesn't seem to have any issues actually using the potty, it's just that he doesn't want to leave toys/friends behind and go to the potty. He picked out some Diego big boy underwear which he's proudly wearing around. Crosby brings so much happiness and laughter into our lives.

Don't you love the little froggy potty?


Funny Moments by Croz.....

-We hear/see lots of planes fly over the apartment daily. He told me one day "Mommy, I hear a plane. It SOUNDS like it's going to the airport."

-One day when Kelby was flying in from a trip, Crosby pointed out a plane in the sky and announced that he saw Daddy's plane. I smiled and said "maybe." A minute or so later, he looks at me all worried and scared and asked "How Daddy's plane get down?" I reminded him of all the planes we've watched take off and land and that the pilot is driving Daddy's plane down to the airport. Now when Kelby's gone on a trip, Croz will talk about Daddy and the pilot riding on the plane as if they're best buds and it's just the two of them on the plane.

-While playing with Papa's red and white model car, Crosby asked "What is it, Papa?" Papa replied, "It's a 55 Chevrolet Bel-Air." Crosby thought about this for a minute before shaking his head and said "Noooo, it's a car."

-I was trying to give him his cough medicine in the middle of the night when he put both hands over his mouth saying "No, no, no, no, no, no." I tried to pump him up telling him that it tasted like grape kool-aid and grape pollipops when he said very seriously and half asleep "No, it doesn't Mommy."

-My favorite....randomly, for no apparent reason, "You're a good mommy, Mommy."

-And then later that day, "You're a good Maxie, Maxie. You're a good dog. I love you, boy." Still very sweet, but it would've been better if he hadn't followed up with the same line to the dog. :-)

-While I was returning something at Target, Crosby was enjoying playing on the registry computers. He made his way to the printer and started asking for paper. After a few minutes of him shouting "where's the paper?" I told him "you have to tell the paper to come out of the printer." I turned around only to hear him shouting into the printer (yes, head pushed as far as possible into the printer) "paper, come out!"

-Crosby saw Kelby chugging some Pepto Bismol and he started yelling "No Daddy, that's for girls!" We looked at each other a little puzzled and then realized that Crosby must've been referring to it's! :-)

-Last night, we took our daily trip to the lot to see the framing progress. Crosby walked right up and said "OH MY GOODNESS! HOLY COW!" It is pretty impressive to see how things change during the framing phase.

-Crosby is so excited about the new house. He talks daily about Mr. Chris building him a new big boy room. He has thoroughly enjoyed watching the crews and machines work and playing in all the dirt!

Monday, August 17, 2009

"The sun's getting me."

On a trip to the lot this evening, Crosby said "the sun is getting me." He put his little hands over his face and Daddy suggested that he wear an extra pair of Daddy's sunglasses. He gladly accepted and then told us that "the sunglasses keep the sun from getting into my eyes."


Construction: Week 7

Week 7 brought lots of excitement with the completion of the foundation and rough outline of what the grade/slope will be around the house. Although it's just the foundation, you can get a good idea of what's taking shape. Kelby worked on the lot all day Friday and Saturday assisting in the backfilling of the foundation and other various projects. He loves being in the middle of all the action!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Going to Georgia

This morning I informed Crosby that we'd be leaving for Georgia today. He proceeded to pack his suitcase with all the essentials, you know, doggie, a few trucks and his pet rock. He then made a bee-line to the front door of the apartment and said "LET'S GO!" I promised that we would leave but not until after we've had breakfast, finished packing and changed from our pajamas!!

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Construction: Week 6

Week 6 was an eventful and promising week on the lot. Which, as most of you know, is great because week 2 through 5 brought a month long battle with the powers-that-be over a very useless SWPPP plan. If you're curious, ask Kelby about this great plan and you'll hear more than you'd ever want to know about it and our government's policies. :-)

Anyway, the footings were dug, poured and inspected this week! Week 7 should consist of laying block for the foundation, plumbing the basement and waterproofing.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Alex's Birthday at Latta Park

zoom, zoom

"Wow, I didn't realize this slide was sooo high."

"I think I'll just take a little break and enjoy the scenery."
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Crosby eagerly climbs to the tippy-top of these twisty poles but then he's clueless as to what to do from there.

"Hmmmm....I think I might need to check this out."
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Yes, of course, little Croz finds a mud puddle!

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Latta Park Spraygrounds

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Alex's Birthday Party at Latta Park

The Fire Engine made an appearance for Alex's party. How appropriate, Ladder Truck #2 for Alex's second birthday!!

and cake
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Very interesting fountain

Crosby thought this was super cool ....until it starting rotating.

Each layer rotates independently.

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The Rotating Fountain

Crosby loves going to the lab to see Daddy.

Crosby and I went and had a picnic lunch with Daddy at the lab. Kelby is so fortunate to work for a great company in an awesome location. This is one of the two lakes surrounded by a few hundred acres of beautiful trees and nature. We love taking Max to swim in the lake and run til his heart's content. Crosby's favorite part is riding on one of the many golfcarts around and chasing the geese.

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I just love watching the little guy sleep. Here he's all cuddled up with doggie just snoozing away.
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