Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Josh and Hannah's Wedding

Just a spoon full of sugar...

So one evening as I'm cooking dinner, Kelby sets Croz up on the counter as we chatted. (Yes, Kelby was standing beside him so he couldn't have fallen.) I walked by once and glanced over at Croz because he was being way too quiet. I saw him reaching into the sugar canister and helping himself to spoonfulls of sugar. Apparently, he sampled the quick oats and brown sugar too as there were lots of crumbs on and around him. It didn't make him sick but he was a little hyper that evening.
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The Lobsters

Fresh Maine Lobsters! They come packed in lots of wet seaweed inside a cooler. Crosby didn't know what to think of these critters.
He jumped each time they moved around.

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 09

We had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the time spent with family. Crosby really enjoyed this Christmas and is having so much fun with all his new toys and books.

We are so blessed to have such special families and to have the opportunity to share the holidays with them.

Happy New Year!

Christmas in NY

Our trip to New York was awesome! Thanks to Mimi and Papa for keeping Crosby so that I could fly up and meet Kelby. We spent three days running around NYC seeing as much as possible. Thanks to Neil (co-worker of Kelby's) and Karen for escorting us through the city and capitalizing on our time there. We visited Central Park, Rockefeller Center, Fifth Ave., Times Square, Ground Zero, Wall Street, China Town, had a cannoli and mocha in Little Italy, and FAO Schwartz where we bought a little keepsake for Croz.

One of the biggest highlights of the trip for me was the Rockettes show. We were able to get the tickets at 1/2 price so we had much better seats than we had planned. The show was simply amazing from the beginning, with 3-D glasses watching Santa enter the scene, to the end where the living nativity scene came together with real camels and a factual, beautiful retelling of the birth of Jesus. One of their impressive acts was the famous march of the wooden soldier. I've posted pictures of this but I also found a video online where you can see it unfold. Check this site for the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSgmUin9vJw

Ground Zero is still engulfed in the construction process and will be for several more years. We visited a little Chapel , St. Paul's Chapel, that sits adjacent to where the twin towers stood. The chapel survived the 9/11 attacks with very little damage thanks to a large tree that stood between the chapel and the towers and absorbed the impact. The tree toppled and the trunk was collected by an artist who preserved it and turned it into a sculpture, The Trinity Root. If you're interested in the story, check this site http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/webcasts/videos/faith-culture/9-11/the-trinity-root