Sunday, June 27, 2010


Kelby, Croz and Maddie on the little coaster

driving the boat

driving the little cars
Our lovely toes - Maddie and I squeezed in some girl time while Crosby napped one day!

Carowinds with Maddie

New Goggles

Crosby was ready for lessons today! We were backing out of the garage and I noticed he already had his goggles on. After a little coercing, we talked him into taking them off until we got into the water.

Notice they're both wearing their "Uncle Stacy Shoes!"

His goggles were all fogged up but he insisted on wearing them.

I just love these guys!

Swimming Lessons

I'm pretty sure Crosby believes that it's his strong kicking skills that are
taking him from one side of the pool to the other! :-)

Crosby jumped off the diving board to Mrs. Valerie. He had so much fun he asked to do it again!

Maddie and I were cracking up here... Crosby is just talking talking talking about something and the big kids are totally having their own conversation. I wonder if he realizes that no one is listening. If so, he doesn't seem to mind.

Mimi, Papa & Maddie come for a visit

Crosby, you better keep your eyes on the game, Papa's trying to cheat and win!

Maddie & Croz at Boomerang Bay


Crosby LOVES LOVES LOVES riding this slide with Daddy.

Crosby's 1st roller coaster - he doesn't look to be enjoying himself
but said "that was a lot of fun" when the ride ended.

Nana came for a visit

Yep...I was shocked too. Bobbi went under the mushroom. Not once did I hear, "Watch out kids, now don't get my hair wet." Seems like Josh and I heard that a bunch at our pool but Bobbi Sue just went strolling under the mushroom with Crosby! :-)

He loves running through the waterfalls this year!

Crosby had great fun chopping pecans for our chocolate chip poundcake. YUM!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fish the Magish

Notice Crosby is sitting up front with all the big kids while I'm way in the back with the parents. He loved the magic show. Every time the magician asked for volunteer, Crosby stood up. Keep in mind that the magician asked for kids to sit on their bottoms and raise their hands to volunteer - Crosby stood up all by himself while being right up front. One time he even started walking up front as if he'd been chosen and then just turned around and went back to his spot. :-)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Some of our good friends, Amy and Katie, came over for a visit this week.
Crosby had lots of fun playing with Katie.


And a return smooch on the lips! It was so cute and totally embarrassed Crosby.
He has his face covered in the next one as he's still cracking up.

Flying at Carowinds

Crosby found his new favorite thing at Carowinds...flying the planes. He had so much fun that he rode them three times in a row.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010