Monday, November 17, 2008

In Memory of Domino

This past Saturday, after being together for almost exactly seven years, we had to put Domino to sleep. Although we knew that it was for the best and that she wasn't going to get any better, it was an unbearably hard thing to do. It still seems so surreal. Max now walks around as if he's lost and Crosby continues to get out two doggie treats every time we go outside.

This experience is such a reminder of how fragile life truly is and how quickly things can change.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Noah's Art

Painting A Pumpkin

I was very impressed with how well Crosby handled painting for the first time. I was prepared for disaster. You know, bright green paint on us, the table, the floor and anything else between us and the tub. He totally surprised me and just sat there painting his pumpkin with such a serious little face.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Visit in GA

We spent Halloween weekend in Georgia visiting friends and family. Crosby surprisingly enjoyed being dressed up in his costume and looked mighty cute, I'd say. Thanks for the Mickey Mouse costume, Mimi. On Sunday, we spent the day with Kelby's extended family in Cleveland, Georgia. It was a beautiful fall day to spend in the mountains.