Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wow...Is he really three?

It's hard to believe that Crosby just turned three years old. I look at his baby pictures and then to the kid sitting beside me and wow...what a change. He had a good three year check-up and had fun telling Dr. Paxtor all about his two birthday parties. He's now 37 1/2 inches tall so this summer he'll be able to ride lots of the kiddie rides at Carowinds. :-) He'll be starting preschool this fall, going in the mornings three days a week. It will be by far the most time he and I will have spent apart. He asks often if it's time for his school. I'm already a little anxious about the whole process. I don't even want to think about him going to Kindergarten in two years. I am so going to be the parent weeping at the door and not wanting to leave on the first morning. And I'm sure I'll be taking pictures like there's no tomorrow. You know, the parents I used to make fun of when I taught. :-)

Here's a little walk down the Crosby Memory Lane.
just a few weeks old

1 year old

2 years old

3 years old

GA Birthday Party

I didn't do so good taking lots of pictures this year. :-( I'm going have to check the grandparents' cameras and see if they caught some good ones. :-)

"Mom, I'm just trying to eat my hot dog!"

Crosby's two great-grandmothers were able to join the party. Neither of them would love the fact that I'm posting a picture of them eating but I'm pretty sure they're not on computers often so I think we're safe.

Crosby's Party with Friends

Crosby's Party with Friends

Birthday Candles

Happy Birthday, Sleepyhead.


Crosby and I were going to meet Daddy for lunch at the restaurant of his choosing. Of course, Crosby picked his favorite,"Taco-ritas," which most call Salsaritas. After chowing down on his favorite Mexican Pizza he enjoyed a yummy chocolate chip cookie. Look closely to see the string of drool he's modeling as he blows out his candle.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Crosby!

Still in pjs, Crosby gets the first go at his new Pirate Ship Water Table. I think he approves. :-)

Max, however, doesn't seem to enjoy the water table as much.

...perhaps this is why! Crosby found the cannon which shoots out streams of water and Max is just barely within reach.

birthday pancakes

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Funny Crosby Moments

Crosby keeps us laughing around the house. I wanted to share a few of his little moments with you.

*Walking through a store one day he noticed a really large wall clock and commented, "Wow...look at that huge must be for giants."

*Crosby and I have discovered that we both really like ICEEs these days. One day we were sharing an ICEE when I cautioned him to slow down as he was really slurping it down. He responded, "Yeah, I better slow down or I'm gonna get DRAIN Freeze."

*At church, I pointed out that a lady across from us had a baby boy. Crosby said, "Oh, I have a baby boy too." We have a few more weeks before we really find out if he's right.

*Crosby likes to use the play stethoscope from this little Doctor's Kit to listen to the baby TALK to him. The baby TOLD him one day that he was a good big brother! :-) Most other days he just listens and says "That's a good baby."

*We are definitely entering the world of "why...why...why!" Everyday. All day long.

*He opened a birthday card the other day and sat down to read it. He held up the card and said "Happy Birthday. Amen."

*Walking down the back steps one day we saw a lizard scurrying around. He tried to chase it but of course it ran away. He said, "Oh man, I thought we were going to be best friends."

*The best thing he says is "I LOVE YOU" to Mommy and Daddy all the time. Seriously, he probably tells us this a few dozen times a day. It makes us smile every time.

Hilton Head 2010

Croz and I were able to tag along with Daddy to Hilton Head for a meeting. We spent three days playing in the sun on the beach. It was fabulous! We had dinner one night at a Japanese Steak House and told them that it was almost Crosby's birthday. He was quite excited about everyone singing to him and he loved the big drum! We didn't order him a plate as we intended to share ours with him but between the three of us there wasn't a grain of rice left on either of our plates! Next time, we might splurge and order him a child's plate. He loved it...the soup, zucchini, the rice, the chicken and shrimp...everything! We also enjoyed lots of yummy seafood while visiting. Thankfully Crosby likes seafood almost as much as his parents.

Hilton Head

You are probably thinking, "Wow, did he actually lay in the sun and rest for a while." The answer is definitely no, he was probably in this particular position for 35 seconds at most!

There was a sprayground just beside the hotel. Crosby wanted to play in it but I think the water was just too cold. He'd run up close to the fountains and then run away even faster!

He loved the Kiddie Lagoon! It was just perfect for him. It was only a foot deep so he could really play and have fun.

Hole in One!

So Crosby doesn't have the natural instinct of how to hold a club.

It's a good thing Daddy was close by to give a little mini-golfing lesson! :-)

And together they hit a hole in one!

Hilton Head

Apparently, one must look into the really deep hole that's just been dug!