Saturday, December 13, 2008

Funny Crosby Moments...

Crosby keeps us laughing around the house. Here are some of the more memorable moments...
-cheerfully saying "Hey, you" when looking into the mirror the other day

-shouting "Uh, Oh" repeatedly as our expected Christmas tree gave in to the saw and fell to the ground

-One day last week, I was calling his name from the kitchen as he played in the playroom. He responded but I couldn't tell what he was saying so I again called his name. Finally, I realized he was saying "minute," as in, just give me a minute lady!

-calling all brooms "witches" and begging to play with them

-picking up on the another phone as I talked with my mom and shouting "HEL-LO, NA-NA"

-I asked him on the way into Taco Bell last week if he wanted a taco to eat. He didn't stop repeating "taco taco taco" until he finally had his very own taco in front of him.

-yelling "Maxie" out the window and then "door pease" while looking at me in desperation to open the door

He has such a fun personality and brings us such joy!

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