Monday, December 7, 2009

More holiday fun....

Notice in the first picture that Crosby is sitting with an empty plastic produce carton. While I was cooking dinner, I handed him the package of blueberries to snack on and he ate the entire carton. In a matter of minutes.

Baking Reindeer Cookies....well, they were supposed to look like reindeer. :-) Regardless of what they look like, they taste pretty yummy!

The beginning of our Christmas Season...

We've been busy celebrating the Christmas Season this week. I read the Christmas Story to Crosby and pulled out a little nativity scene to help tell the story. He has thoroughly enjoyed playing with the nativity scene and trying to tell the story himself. One night last week, Andy and Stacy were over and I asked Crosby to tell them the names of all the people. He thought about it for a moment and then said, "their names are BREAKABLE!" Perhaps I've reminded him a few too many times that we should play with them gently.

We also put a Christmas tree up last week. Kelby really wanted to go back to Penland's Tree Farm where we've been the past several years. However, between his traveling and the rain it just wasn't looking good for Penland's so I coerced him into just going to Lowe's this year. He begrudingly went along with it but grumbled throughout the process and then made us sing Christmas songs in the Lowe's Garden Center as we selected the perfect real/fake/almost dead Christmas tree. :-) In the end, we have a decent tree that will work for a few weeks and then we'll go back to Penland's next year. :-)

On Saturday night, we made our first gingerbread house together. Kelby and I, being the control geeks that we are, went into this expecting to create the most fabulous little gingerbread house. Needless to say, Croz had other plans. Only a few minutes into the project I realized this little house wasn't going to look the way I'd hoped. So, we handed the candies over to Croz and just made sure there was enough goop on the roof to keep everything in place. We did add our own creative touches to the mix. It was a grand time for all!


Okay, for some reason, I didn't take very many pictures while visiting for Thanksgiving! Perhaps it's because I generally spend the day chasing a certain little two and 1/2 year old and I often forget the camera during the chase. Here are some cute ones from the few that I managed to capture. In addition to celebrating the holiday with family we also celebrated Josh's upcoming wedding to Miss Hannah with a fun bridal shower. Thanks to all the family who helped out with the shower and a big THANK YOU to Marisa for all your help and for hosting the party!

Also, a little update on Croz and his strange outbreak! It turns out that he's allergic to fire ants and reacted pretty severely when he was only bitten by a few. We visited urgent care before the shower on Sunday and then our pediatrician on Monday. After two very strong antibiotics, prednisolone and lots of vaseline, Crosby's legs look almost normal again. :-) We will have to be very careful when playing outside in the future.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Crosby's Room

Thank you Jett for all your help with Crosby's room. I think it's the coolest room ever. Kelby and I are considering doing the same thing in our room. Well, maybe not, but we totally love Crosby's space.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Mimi and Mommy took Crosby trick-or-treating in the new neighborhood while Daddy and Papa worked on the floors.

Okay, so we look pretty rough but we were tired and had worked a lot that weekend!
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It's Floor Time!!!!

Papa generously helped Kelby lay all the wood floors the weekend of Halloween.

Crosby chilled out with Mimi while I finished painting Crosby's room.

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Carving a Pumpkin

We had a fun Halloween party at the Buskirk's home! Thanks Jett!
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More GA pictures

giving Nanny some love...
Julie's Baby Shower in Marietta
Nana and Croz
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Madalyn's Softball Game

Crosby and I were able to go to one of Madalyn's softball games during our last GA visit. Mimi and Papa's three grandkids are all in this picture...Crosby and Cal watching Maddie at Catcher.
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The Pumpkin Patch

This was a great pumpkin patch! Kudos to Wendy for finding it for us. I loved that Croz actually got to pick his pumpkin from the vine.

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Painting The Perfect Pumpkin

Crosby thoroughly enjoyed painting his "perfect pumpkin" that he selected from the Carowinds Pumpkin Patch.
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McDowell Park: Spiders

Check out the cool spider ring!

And, as always, we go fishing when the class is over. :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What do you see?

Look closely at the piece of paper that he's holding. (Double click on the picture to enlarge if you can't see the paper clearly.) Do you see anything familiar? He was running around with this saying that he wrote his name. Hmmmm....

Yes, I do realize that this was merely a coincidence but you have to admit, a pretty funny one!
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Carowinds Boo-Fest

Crosby's pick for a pumpkin! A nice, dirty pumpkin...great choice Croz.

running through the maze

Ahh....long must be naptime.
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Carowinds Boo-Fest

Trying to pick the perfect pumpkin...

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