Monday, December 7, 2009


Okay, for some reason, I didn't take very many pictures while visiting for Thanksgiving! Perhaps it's because I generally spend the day chasing a certain little two and 1/2 year old and I often forget the camera during the chase. Here are some cute ones from the few that I managed to capture. In addition to celebrating the holiday with family we also celebrated Josh's upcoming wedding to Miss Hannah with a fun bridal shower. Thanks to all the family who helped out with the shower and a big THANK YOU to Marisa for all your help and for hosting the party!

Also, a little update on Croz and his strange outbreak! It turns out that he's allergic to fire ants and reacted pretty severely when he was only bitten by a few. We visited urgent care before the shower on Sunday and then our pediatrician on Monday. After two very strong antibiotics, prednisolone and lots of vaseline, Crosby's legs look almost normal again. :-) We will have to be very careful when playing outside in the future.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

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