Saturday, January 3, 2009

More Crosby Moments...

-His current favorite phrase is "Cool!" when he finds something of interest.
- Upon seeing a lady in a black dress and tall, black boots, Crosby shouted "Shoes....Whoa!" I'm sure it was the lovely leather black boots that he was commenting on and not the beautiful lady wearing them.
-"No! No! No!" ....let's just say that we hear that a lot!!
-He likes to ask for a "kiss" and "hug"
-Sometimes he'll say "hold you" with his little arms stretched all the way out.
-He has a little stuffed doggie that he's becoming quite fond of, especially when it's sleepy time. :-)
-His favorite foods of the month are honey and Nanny's Apple Butter -he'll eat just about anything with apple butter or honey.
-He loves for Kelby to play his guitar and some nights he'll beg for "Daddy's dar."
-Here's one of my favorite Crosby stories....several weeks back, in the middle of breakfast one morning, Crosby said "blessin" and held out his hand. I held his hand and he bowed his head so we said the blessing. About four mintues after that, he held out his hand again saying "blessin." Our oatmeal was well blessed that day!
-Last night after dinner, Crosby was several bites into a sugar cookie when he stopped and sat down quietly by the coffee table. He announced"blessin" and then mumbled all these random words before shouting "AMEN" at the end. He then repeated the whole process two more times. :-)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Croz and his #1 babysitter

We won't tell Kelby but Crosby had a grand time playing with Maddie's dollhouse.

Here are most of the great-grandchildren on my mom's side of the family.
(L to R) Jason, Justin, Abby, Mallory, Kallon, Lance and Croz

Crosby thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas. He really got excited about opening presents and redecorating our Christmas tree. All the bows and boxes were also a hit with the little guy. Anything that can be thrown, hit or climbed on is a winner with Crosby!

We had a wonderful visit in GA with all the family! We are very fortunate in that we can come home to Jefferson and celebrate Christmas with everyone. And I love those family dinners. Really, I do. I've always loved getting together with family. Probably now more than ever because we don't get to see everyone very often. Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
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Merry Christmas

Crosby found the perfect "witch" at Aunt Jan's house.

(L to R) Crosby, Raegan, Avery and Caroline
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