Friday, January 2, 2009

Croz and his #1 babysitter

We won't tell Kelby but Crosby had a grand time playing with Maddie's dollhouse.

Here are most of the great-grandchildren on my mom's side of the family.
(L to R) Jason, Justin, Abby, Mallory, Kallon, Lance and Croz

Crosby thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas. He really got excited about opening presents and redecorating our Christmas tree. All the bows and boxes were also a hit with the little guy. Anything that can be thrown, hit or climbed on is a winner with Crosby!

We had a wonderful visit in GA with all the family! We are very fortunate in that we can come home to Jefferson and celebrate Christmas with everyone. And I love those family dinners. Really, I do. I've always loved getting together with family. Probably now more than ever because we don't get to see everyone very often. Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
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