Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome Baby Gracyn!

Gracyn was born on Friday morning, October 1st at 7:12. She weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. She has a head full of black hair and blue eyes.

Crosby came beaming through the doorway to meet his new sister with a hand full of pink roses for Mommy and a smile from ear to ear. After checking out the very cool room with lights, buttons, and gadgets everywhere he calmly asked "So, where's Gracyn?" He has done incredibly well with this transition. He picked out a gift for Gracyn (some pacifiers and a passy clip) and was quite surprised to see that Gracyn also had a gift for him (Lincoln Logs). Of course, he was thrilled with his gift and wanted to play with them immediately. He said, "Gracyn, must have found these in Mommy's tummy." Yeah, so I know my tummy was a little large in the past few months, but seriously, large enough to have random toys just lying around. :-)

Over the past few days, he's warmed our hearts with his comments towards Gracyn. Here are a few that I can remember...
-He just randomly walked over to her in the hospital bassinet and said "Hey Gracyn, I love you."
-"Look at these little feet."
- "I think she looks like fun."
-He sat down beside her today while she was in the bouncer and said " I just want to watch her sleep."

We are simply overwhelmed with joy!

So, in this picture I look pretty rough, you can't even see Gracyn and Crosby was watching cartoons but here is our first picture as a family of four!
Does he look just a little excited?

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