Friday, December 10, 2010

Our dear friend, Max

Most of you probably know by now, but unfortunately we had to put Max to sleep the day after Thanksgiving. We were headed out to go Black Friday shopping when Kelby realized that he didn't get up to greet us and wouldn't even budge for a treat. Two hours later, x-rays revealed that he had multiple cancerous tumors filling his chest. One had ruptured sometime during the night in his tummy and he was bleeding out internally. We really didn't have a decision to make because it was obvious he wasn't going to make it much longer. His breathing had worsened dramatically from the time we found him that morning.

He was a great dog. Truly, the easiest dog ever. He was always happy, especially when food was involved. He brought us much joy over the seven years that he lived with us. He was Crosby's buddy and always by his side when we were outside. Although we didn't know exactly how old he was when we adopted him, it was believed that he was 2-3 making him around 10 years old now. I think he had a pretty good life. He was definitely loved!

I'm going to share some of my favorite pictures of him. :-)

His spot on the back porch.

He was there for Crosby's first day of preschool!

He made it a point to be in this picture. He perfectly posed himself right in front.

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