Thursday, January 27, 2011

Funny Moments in the Fite Family...

-Crosby was looking forward to a lollipop from Pops one day and I handed it to him and said "here's your lollipop." He looked up and said "yep, but it's middle name is blow pop."

-This is from Crosby after preschool one day....
Mom, today in the gym, this kid asked to ride with me in the little red car (picture a little cozy coupe) and I said "Sorry, the door's locked." Then I drove away really fast.
Yep, cozy coupe's don't have locks.

-One night at dinner Crosby sat up really high on the back of the little booster seat and smiled as if very pleased with himself. We asked him what he was doing and that he needed to get back in his seat. He responded, "I just want to sit up like a lifeguard."

-On Christmas morning, we were all sitting around Nana and Pop's living room waiting on Crosby to wake up. I walked down the hall to check on him just as he was crawling out of bed. He squeezed me tight and said "Christmas is the best time of year."

-conversation between Kelby and Crosby as Kelby finished up reading bedtime stories...
K: I've got to take my shower now, bud.
C: But I don't see any stinky stuff on you.

-another conversation b/n Kelby and Crosby
C: Daddy, let's go to Chick-fil-A
K: Okay, are you going to pay for it with the money out of your car bank?
C: No, I'm saving my money. Let's get the money out of the drawer in the kitchen. (random pile of change in our junk drawer)

-"Hey Gracyn, we're best friends."

-Crosby came home from preschool telling me about a little birthday party they had for Samantha. He was telling what snacks they ate and he said, "Mrs. Paula kept saying we had burritos but we didn't, they were just chips. I don't know why she thought they were burritos." A few minutes later I realized what he was saying and asked "were those chips orange and looked like triangles?" Yep, they were Doritos!

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