Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Birthday Surprise

Sunday afternoon we put Crosby down for a nap in a pack and play at Nana & Pops' house. About ten minutes later, we heard music coming from the bedroom only to find Crosby up playing with the toys. The pack and play was located at the end of the bed so we figured he just climbed up onto the bed and then down to the floor. So, we moved the pack and play out into the middle of the room so that he couldn't use the bed to escape again. We put him back down for a nap. Not long after that, we heard a little crying and we thought"oh good, he must've given up and is now going to sleep." Wrong again, we soon heard him knocking on the door and calling for "Moooommmmmy." At this point we realized there was a serious problem. He has learned how to crawl out of the crib. Thankfully Nana had a toddler bed in storage just for us. I wasn't planning on making this big move just yet but as I have learned so many times, things don't always go according to plan.

Here are some pictures of Crosby in his new big boy bed. So far, it's been an easy transition. :-)

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