Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hilton Head 2010

Croz and I were able to tag along with Daddy to Hilton Head for a meeting. We spent three days playing in the sun on the beach. It was fabulous! We had dinner one night at a Japanese Steak House and told them that it was almost Crosby's birthday. He was quite excited about everyone singing to him and he loved the big drum! We didn't order him a plate as we intended to share ours with him but between the three of us there wasn't a grain of rice left on either of our plates! Next time, we might splurge and order him a child's plate. He loved it...the soup, zucchini, the rice, the chicken and shrimp...everything! We also enjoyed lots of yummy seafood while visiting. Thankfully Crosby likes seafood almost as much as his parents.

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